21 Nov 2018

No room for gloom

No room for gloom – a poem by P.K. Odendaal – November 2018

There lived in the land of Id* some folks
Who thought that life was full of jokes
So they started out without any doubt
To make sure their fans were very poor
And showered upon them words and mayhem
To make them fear for the stories they hear
Knowing quite well that the stories they tell
Were lies and jokes to confuse most folks.


Wonder…ful – a poem by P.K. Odendaal – November 2018

As I sit here and ponder on the present and the yonder
I wonder how I came into this serious game
not looking for fame, nor looking for shame
And how life has a way of making us pay
For our sins and waste committed in haste
Or wealth and pleasure enjoyed at leisure

Conform or Reform

Conform or Reform – by P.K. Odendaal - November 2018

Everything we do in life is that we either want to conform to a situation or we want to reform a situation. We accept or we reject, we accommodate or we remain intransigent, we compromise or we contest, we concede or we deny.
This encompasses our whole life. Some of us are rebels and we question or reject what we do not believe in, and others stand for nothing and fall for everything. Be it in politics, in business, in relationships or in private life - we experience everything in these two frameworks, and we usually choose the wrong one.

After the dance

After the dance – a poem by P.K. Odendaal – November 2018

It is with the utmost respect that I now reflect
On what happened to our chance at the end of that dance
Like mist in the morn it disappeared at dawn
Never to return like the bridges we burn
For no other reason than the end of that season
When magic disappeared from the relationship we reared

I never thought ...

I never thought – a poem by P.K. Odendaal – November 2018

I have never thought I would reach this age
where I live in doubt of what life is about
Having reached stalemate in my business of late
Only to hope that my life has more scope.

17 Oct 2018

Rock of Ages - a poem

Rock of Ages – by P.K. Odendaal – October 2018
You are no stranger to a palace or a manger
You know humiliation comes before the jubilation
You have often been heart broken and always outspoken
But never have you been to us a God unseen
and never have you left us when sin's dark wages bereft us

4 Oct 2018

Divorce Part 7 - How do I feel

Divorce Part 7 - How do I feel – by P.K. Odendaal – October 2018

How do I feel at the end of this reel
Trying to cope with a heart that was broke
Not by taking a chance or unwelcome advance
but just in the way which caused much dismay
When me and my spouse each left the house
To find some form of relief from each other's grief

30 Aug 2018

A satire on behaviour

A satire on behaviour – by P.K. Odendaal – August 2018.
It is said that a fool is born every minute and that you cannot protect a fool from himself or herself, so it seems that my desire to live and let live or to be considerate towards others and be considered by them, in turn or out of turn, is a wild goose chase in some utopia somewhere between here and nowhere.

6 Aug 2018

Divorce – Part 6 - Reconciliation

Divorce – Reconciliation - Part 6 - by P.K. Odendaal August 2018

What shall I do with a marriage that's through
Shall love not prevail when us humans do fail
Shall we not learn from our past while our memories last
Or are they just the source which caused the divorce
Does our experience prevent us from pain when we try once again
Or will it stand in our way when we try to repay
Or try to forgive to let each one live

23 Jul 2018

Divorce - Part 3 - Transformation - by P.K. Odendaal

Divorce – Part 3 - Transformation

How do I transform my life after decades of strife
While I was often abused and always misused
Not expecting it to disrupt my life so abrupt
When love turned to hate and sorry came too late