28 Jul 2011

Travel blog 2011-1

I am as violent as the society I live in. Written by P.K.Odendaal 27 July 2011
This is a strange name for a travel blog, but bear in mind that all my travels are also travels of the mind and the soul and the self - not necessarily on the same path or the same direction - but nonetheless travelling to that Haven of the soul where peace, joy and love abound.
Take a person living in a violent, brutal and inhumane society like Witbank, South Africa -  take him to any beautiful place and take him alone - yes - take him to that beautiful garden state called Michigan, USA  - play him some Country and Western music over the rental card radio from a station such as Western Ontario Radio -  and play his favourite song called Solitaire - play it loudly until all hear, see and other carnal senses vanish and he enters some never never land. Tell the muse to grab him by his collar and stop his car and drag him to some nearby restaurant and inspire him to write what he feels.