22 Mar 2018

It is madness to treat madness

It is madness to treat madness – by P.K. Odendaal – March 2018.

I have been struck wise by three films which illustrated to me the fallacy of the treatment of patients by specialists in special institutions or facilities. The conventional wisdom, which, as we know, is always wrong is to do that, so we need to do the opposite.
The three films were:

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest
As good as it gets
Three Billboards.

All three are brilliant expositions of the treatment and therapy of such people inherent in social and communal activities.

19 Mar 2018

Our fate in this place

Our fate in this place - a poem by P.K. Odendaal - March 2018

People end up in hate when they accept that their fate
Will keep them in shame for the rest of the game
In stead they may find a moment so kind.
To do as they should in the moment so good.

Not for their sake but in order to make
Mankind and earth a place full of mirth
For they then shall find that all will be kind
And they will never go back to their previous attack.