Adult Sunday School -
Part 13 - The Rapture and The Bride - by P.K.Odendaal - September 2012.
The rapture refers to a group of Christians, known as the
Bride of Christ, leaving the earth, in their transformed, bodies, whilst alive,
to go to Heaven, in order to be the bride
at the Marriage of the Lamb.
It is not spelled out in detail in the Bible, but we have
quite a few scriptures which hints at it, and there are many stories and
prophecies out of which we can learn about it.
And it starts quite early in the Bible, because this is what
the Bible is really all about. Adam is created by God, and God prepares a bride
for him, out of his own body. God creates mankind and prepares a nation,
Israel, out of them, to be His wife - whom He has divorced subsequently. Lastly
God creates His Church on earth, from which he prepares a bride for His Son.
The same theme goes on and on, especially when you read the numerous Bible
stories related to a wedding.