4 Jun 2019

Love of my Life - Part 9 - A poem

Love of my Life – Part 9 – by P.K. Odendaal – June 2019

She says that she trembles when something resembles
my picture or name which sets her aflame
and makes her desire to burn like fire
and touch my body and mind in a way that is kind

As I put my arm around her to calm
the passion we feel whilst our emotions still reel
from the caresses and hugs which feel like drugs
which mostly controls our bodies and souls

Love of my Life - Part 8 - A poem

Love of my Life – Part 8 – by P.K. Odendaal – June 2019

As another day draws to a close I am getting morose
And as another day is past I stand aghast
That she is not here for me to endear,
but she still appear in my blogosphere

To caress and to hold in the winter cold
when we are alone in a world of our own
to let passion fly like a banner on high
As we take flight to our own shelters at night