I have written a few articles on freedom and my view has always been, and will always be, that everybody cries for freedom and that freedom kills. So I must presume the paradoxical corollary that everyone wishes to be killed, but nobody wishes to be dead is true.
In this blog I will be trying to get to the truth about what is really important in life, and to write satirically about what is not - all in my quest for The Stuff Reality is Made of. I also write articles on Religion, History, Travel, Flying, Philosophy, Physics, Meta Physics, Natural History. Mathematics and Psychology.
20 May 2021
9 May 2021
Have you seen the Saviour: a poem by P.K.Odendaal
Have you watched the Saviour
who died for you and me
Have you heard the Saviour
pleading for the lost
Have you thought the Saviour
wouldn't pay the total cost
3 May 2021
God's Dilemma - Part 3
Continued from Part 2 ...
So, why can't I apply this principle to my friendship with God. The reason is that in this case God has the authority and it would be up to Him to relinquish that. I studied scripture and came to the following sobering thoughts:
God's Dilemma - Part 2
Continued from Part 1 ...
The Decay of Lying: a Protest
I have recently found this gem in the collective works of Oscar Wilde. It is a must read for my readers. After a hundred and twenty years it is still very apt.
A foretaste:
Egotism itself, which is so necessary to a proper sense of human dignity, is entirely the result of indoor life. Out of doors one becomes abstract and impersonal. One’s individuality absolutely leaves one. ... Whenever I am walking in the park here, I always feel that I am no more to her than the cattle that browse on the slope, or the burdock that blooms in the
29 Apr 2021
God's Dilemma - Part 1
In the scheme of things God created everything and that made Him King of the Universe with anything He created becoming subservient to Him ... but it also automatically made Him alone and lonesome with no peer, friend, compatriot, confidante, family, adviser and many other things; not that He needed it, but the human part of Him needed someone to talk to, to confide in, to be friends with, to adore and love Him seriously and unconditionally. To be really one with Him.
28 Apr 2021
Please remember to forget
You might have gotten used to me teaching the opposite of the teaching of convention and conventional wisdom; maybe it's the way I try to forget convention which takes me into this domain where senses must be reinterpreted and tested.
G.K. Chesterton once wrote that the madman is not one who has lost his senses, but one who has lost everything except his senses.
Pent up love will explode in your heart
Love is in your heart ... let it fly ...
What we all have in abundance, is love stashed away somewhere in the deep chasms of our inner being and it will on the least provocation open its eyes and rear its beautiful head, making itself ready to explode into something beautiful, long before we realise it.
No, this statement is not from a science fiction film, a western thriller, a Hollywood soapie or a new fashion.
26 Apr 2021
To be or not to be .... Part 1
15 Feb 2021
The Invulnerability of Weakness
No, it is not a contradiction in terms. It is a truth that is hidden.