The Rate Race
III - by P.K.Odendaal - November 2014.
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I recently wrote to the people in Ukraine that they should go back to
their roots, and that inspired me to think of my own roots. Where have I come
from and what are my roots - and also, where are the roots of mankind.
In general I know that our roots are in Paradise, where our roots and
even the roots of the Tree of Life still stand. However, I now find myself in a
new sort of paradise which I do not like at all. One filled with the
superficialities of mankind - a vanity fair so to speak. On the surface all
seems to be fine, but I know very well that it is built on a foundation of
straw - a foundation called civilization - which is very frail and unstable.
When will this house of cards fall in? It falls in every few years in the form
of a financial, economic or political crisis and waits in anguish at its last stand
between good and evil.