8 Jul 2019

The stuff Reality is made of – Part 1 - Existence

The stuff Reality is made of – Part 1 –by P.K. Odendaal - July 2019

In this series I will be exploring important aspects of reality and explain it in some general terms. The main aspects I will be discussing are in some way connected to general intuitive axioms which, according to Gödel’s theorem, will not be provable in our terrestrial domain. Although this series of articles are technical and scientific in many ways, it will not be difficult to read and understand it for other-minded readers, as I will keep it simple and basic.

So, after pondering this subject for over twenty years, and although I have come to understand it only in a miniscule way and only an infinitesimal part of it, I am able to make a few basic postulates of the tenets of reality.


There is nothing that we can think of or imagine which does not exist. The corollary to this is that there are innumerable things which do exist and which we cannot imagine.

To demonstrate this I will dwell on dimensions and geometry somewhat and in the process give recognition to the founder of geometry, Euclid. Euclid was a Greek mathematician who lived around 300 BC and who made five postulates on which we base our geometry of today. In the same vein and with the same humility I will be making five postulates about reality.

Let us break down our inquiry into three elements namely space, time and time’s derivative called speed. Everything which moves in our domain must have a speed as our space is not timeless like it is in some extra-terrestrial domains.

Our dimensions are called length, width and height. Every physical object in our world has to have three dimensions for us to see it - no more - no less. That is the reason why objects from other worlds or domains with more or less dimensions cannot be seen in our world unless they can reveal themselves in three-dimensional form. That is also the reason why God had to come in the form of a man called Jesus Christ to live with us for a short while in order to reveal Himself to us.

It is also true that objects with more than three dimensions can intrude into our space, but we will only be able to see three dimensions of them, if they are able to expose only three linear dimensions, in the same way that objects having three dimensions can only be seen in two-dimensional space as two dimensional objects.

We know there are worlds or domains with more or fewer dimensions than our world or domain and we will use that knowledge to prove this postulate. We can imagine these worlds only because they exist.

For our dimensional analysis we will take the most basic solid which is a non-platonic and three dimensional object with only one specified dimension. It is a sphere in our three-dimensional space and its derivative is a circular disk in two-dimensional space. We can however calculate or imagine its properties and visualize it as it may be seen in space with fewer or more dimensions than we exist in and its formulae for volume in the various domains are given at the end of this article.

From the formulae given in ten to twelve dimensions, it is clear to us that we can only see three-dimensional physical objects in our space and imagine lower dimensional physical objects in lower-dimensional space. It is also clear to us that we know objects with more than three dimensions exist, like a hyper-spheres, and that we can even calculate some of its properties, but we cannot imagine how it looks like.

The anomaly here is that we know that four-dimensional space exist, but we cannot imagine how objects in it will look like. Thus, by a process of induction we have deduced that multi-dimensional space do exist and we can also deduce that we know more things exist than we can imagine. This is indeed a very important revelation as it speaks to our view of God. We know He exists but we cannot imagine how He looks like.

Even more importantly, it proves, by induction, my first postulate above, that there is nothing which we can think of or imagine which does not exist. QED.

It also proves that we are not true creators of objects, because we can only imagine things which exist. It we could have imagined things which do not exist, then we might have been creators in our own right, but we cannot be. We can never be real creators based on the fact that if we imagined things which do not exist, then those things would come into existence in our minds, making them true objects. It does not matter whether those objects which exist in our minds or our dreams, our lives, our space or even meta-space are visible to us or not; it is all the same as it exists in some domain, such as how a super-sphere exists somewhere out there in a four-dimensional space.

Pablo Picasso once said that everything you can imagine is real!


Formulae for the volume of hyper spheres in the tenth to twelth dimension.



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