1 Apr 2012

Philosophy - Part 2 - Facts, Faith and Fiction

Philosophy - the downfall of man - Part 2 - Facts, Faith and Fiction

by P.K.Odendaal - 26 March April 2012.

So you thought that Science is based on fact - WRONG ! - it is based on faith.
Fact 1 :   Religion is based on faith - and axioms. The statement : 'There is a God' is an axiom. It is believed to be true, but it has never been proved to be true or false. It cannot be proved to be true or false in a rigorous way.

Fact 2 :   Mathematics, and therefore Science on which it is based, is based on faith - and axioms. The statement one plus one is equal to two is an axiom. It is believed to be true, but it has never been proved to be true of false. It cannot be proved to be true or false in a rigorous way.

              So why do scientists reject God and accept Science - because of scientific bigotry - and because they have become casualties of Philosophy.

Fact 3 :   There is something called Evolution - the mutation of species by their genes and their environment and some other factors.

Fact 4 :   There are two hypothesis called Darwinism and New Darwinism, which are thought to be related to evolution. This is a delusion and pure fiction. These bigoted 'Scientists' who do not believe the religious axiom, but does believe the scientific and philosophical one, try to make us believe it is one and the same thing. It is not.

              So why can't scientists see their own hypocrisy, bigotry and delusion?  I don't know. For them the last error is worse than the first.

Fact 5 :   Scientists believe in their own existence as a fact. It has never been proved to be a fact. The nearest they could come to proving their own existence, was the statement by the philosopher Descartes who said : 'I think, therefore I AM'. If God can think, as he surely can, does He then also exist or do they want to take that from Him as well.

               ust to remind you that God said 3500 years before Descartes, on a question from Moses as to what His name was : 'I AM'.

              So why do Scientists believe Descartes but not God?

              And if scientists, who can see themselves, cannot even prove their own existence or non-existence, why are they wasting their time with trying to prove the existence or non-existence of God, whom they cannot see? Haven't they heard that only those who are pure of heart, can see God?

Fact 6 :   Science, as we generally know it, is only Physical Science or Physics as it is called. It is a science that has to do with material things in a material world, but there is a much bigger world, the meta-physical, which is not material, and they make statements of that world as well - one of which they have not an inkling of a clue.

              Why can't those shoemakers keep to their own last?

              And how can scientists, who do not even recognise the existence of a meta-physical world, make statements about God who mostly exist in that meta-physical world of which they know nothing? A world as vague to them as their own existence.

Fact 7 :   If we are willing to believe the axioms of mathematics, and build thereon, it opens up a whole new and wonderful world to us - a world we can almost understand - a world reflecting the wonder of Creation and of God.

Fact 8 :   if we are willing to believe the axioms of religion, and build thereon, it opens up a whole new and wonderful world to us - a world we can almost understand - a world reflecting the wonder of Creation and of God.

And this is what Faith is - it begins very small as a basic improvable statement or idea - called a mustard seed - and blooms to become a wonderful tree.

And what is fiction? All the theoretical hypothesis compiled by Scientists, which they try to prove from first principles in the faith of Mathematics. Many of them will stay fiction and some are even delusions, having been posited from erroneous pre-suppositions.
And fiction is even more.
If someone writes a fiction book, it does not stay fiction. As soon as it is conceived, it becomes reality, because the story, the characters and the deeds have come alive - maybe not in the physical world, but in some other non-physical world.

Even God calls things which does not exist as though they do : Rom 4:17  (As it is written, ....  even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
It does not take a genius to know that Solomon was right when he wrote :

Ecc 3:14  I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.
Ecc 7:24  That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out?

Well, this is only the beginning of the argument.  Next time I will explore the certainty of things and the possibility of proof in our frame of reference.

Next time : Part 3 - Heisenberg and Gรถdel.

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